Possessive Pronouns & Possessive Adjectives

November 4, 2023
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Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns are words that show who owns something without using a noun. They can be used on their own, such as in the sentences “This is mine.” and “Is that yours?”

Here is a table of the possessive pronouns in English:

1st singularmine
2nd singularyours
3rd singular malehis
3rd singular femalehers
3rd singular neuter (for objects and animals)its
1st pluralours
2nd pluralyours
3rd pluraltheirs

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are words that show who owns something by coming before a noun. For example, in the sentence “My car is red,” the possessive adjective “my” shows that the car belongs to the speaker.

Here is a table of the possessive adjectives in English:

1st singularmy
2nd singularyour
3rd singular malehis
3rd singular femaleher
3rd singular neuter (for objects and animals)its
1st pluralour
2nd pluralyour
3rd pluraltheir
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black flat screen tv turned on at the living room

Here are some examples of how to use possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives:

Possessive pronouns:

  • This book is mine.
  • That pen is yours.
  • The dog is his.
  • The cat is hers.
  • The ball is its.
  • This house is ours.
  • That car is theirs.
  • My favorite game is Genshin Impact. Yours?
  • This is my phone. Is that hers?
  • Whose gaming console is this? It’s theirs.
  • The latest iPhone is the best one yet. Mine is red.

Possessive adjectives:

  • My car is red.
  • Your house is big.
  • His job is difficult.
  • Her hair is long.
  • Its tail is wagging.
  • Our children are happy.
  • Their parents are proud.
  • I love my new iPhone.
  • Your social media posts are always interesting.
  • His passion for technology is contagious.
  • Her coding skills are impressive.
  • Its artificial intelligence capabilities are amazing.
  • Our school has a great computer science program.
  • Their future careers are in the tech industry.


Here is a tip to help you remember the difference between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives:

  • Possessive pronouns can stand on their own, without a noun. For example, “This is mine.”
  • Possessive adjectives must come before a noun. For example, “This is my car.”


  1. I found some keys on the table. Are they your / yours?
  2. John and I did our homework. Our / Ours teacher will be proud.
  3. The book is interesting. Its / It’s plot is captivating.
  4. Maria and Juan are excited. Their / They’re going on vacation.
  5. Can I borrow your / yours phone? Mine / My battery is dead.
  6. They invited us to their party. Our / Ours invitation must have been lost.
  7. The cat is sleeping on its / it’s favorite cushion.
  8. This is not my / mine hat. It must be someone else’s.
  9. Mark is happy with his car, but I prefer my / mine bike.
  10. Is this seat taken? No, it’s / its free.
  11. Jenny called to ask if you could pick her / hers up from the airport.
  12. Is John / John’s car parked outside? I need to move mine / my vehicle.
  13. Where is your / yours sister? She went to visit her / hers friend.
  14. The teacher praised Maria / Maria’s presentation. She did an excellent job.
  15. The cat licked its / it’s paws before curling up in its / it’s favorite spot.
  16. Is this your / yours coat? I think mine / my is hanging in the closet.
  17. Paul / Paul’s brother is a doctor. He works at a local hospital.
  18. Our / Ours neighbors are throwing a party. Do you want to join?
  19. Lucy / Lucy’s dog is very well-behaved. It follows her / hers commands easily.
  20. My / Mine parents are originally from Italy. They moved here many years ago.
  21. Sofia / Sofia’s cousin is a talented musician. She plays the piano beautifully.
  22. Their / his teachers couldn’t contain their excitement when they won the competition.
  23. Sarah’s / Sarah colleagues were impressed by her presentation skills.
  24. The kids were excited to play with their / theirs new toys.
  25. The students enjoyed his / their visit to the science museum.
  26. My / Mine mom prepared a delicious meal for our guests.
  27. The old couple loved sitting on its / their porch and watching the sunset.
  28. Mary’s dog followed her / her’s command and fetched the ball.
  29. The book on the shelf is my / mine; please don’t move it.
  30. The students were excited to see his / their names on the honor roll.
  31. The actor received an award for his / him outstanding performance in the play.
  32. The children decorated their / theirs own cupcakes at the birthday party.
  33. Our / Ours teacher gave us a lot of homework over the weekend.
  34. Can you please pass me / mine the salt from the table?
  35. The bird built its / it’s nest high up in the tree.
  36. Her / Hers parents were proud of his achievements in school.
  37. The team celebrated their / their’s victory with a victory lap around the field.
  38. Emily’s cat is very playful. It’s / Its favorite toy is a fluffy mouse.
  39. The students listened attentively as they’re / their teacher explained the grammar rules.
  40. The children joined their / their’s friends on the playground for a game of tag.
  41. My / Mine sister is a talented artist. She creates beautiful paintings.
  42. The teacher commended her / hers students for their hard work and dedication.
  43. Is it your / yours turn to take out the trash?
  44. The flowers in the garden are my / mine; I planted them myself.
  45. The children looked forward to their / their’s summer vacation.
  46. My / Mine brother is a chef. He makes the most delicious meals.
  47. Is this your / yours car? Mine / My car is silver.
  48. My / Mine friends and I went hiking in the mountains last weekend.
  49. The children ran to their / theirs parents after school.
  50. Our / Ours house is located near the beach. We can hear the sound of waves from our backyard.


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